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7mm Laminate Flooring

Bringing the best in German design and manufacture, Flooring Online's 7mm laminate flooring features high-quality European oak decors with a 4 sided micro-bevel profile. Our affordable range of European laminate flooring is robust, low maintenance, easy to clean, scratch resistant and ideal for DIY (do it yourself) installation.

Is Laminate flooring easy to install yourself?

Yes! Laminate flooring is perfect for DIY projects, featuring an easy-to-use clicking system which makes assembling and installing laminate flooring extremely DIY friendly.

Is Laminate flooring waterproof?

No, it is moisture resistant but not waterproof. As it is made up of wood which absorbs water if left exposed for extended periods of time, this can lead to swelling.

Is Laminate scratch proof?

Yes, laminate flooring is virtually scratch proof. Accompanied by a 25 year warranty, it's the perfect option for those who need a hardwearing floor to match their lifestyle.